For all you Harry Potter would be's out there mystical magic can now be performed by us mere muggles (people with non magical ability according to JK Rowling)!
The Kymera Magic Wand was recently featured on BBC's Dragons' Den, where Duncan Bannatyne bravely fought off offers from the other 4 dragons to secure a deal.
It's magical ability to control gadgetry within your home is a real wonder to behold. Anything that uses infra-red technology can be controlled with the magic wand, so now with a simple swish of your hand you can open and close blinds, change TV channels or even pause live television.
This must have gadget has been reviewed on BBC's "Something for the Weekend", Channel 5's "The Gadget Show" as well as too many gadget blog and tech websites to mention.
Utterly astounding this is a beautifully crafted gizmo that is oh so simple to use. Straight away the quality that exudes from this product is impressive. From the white cardboard carton, to the faux dragon skin and red brocade silk lined box, even the instructions are beautifully presented as a folded parchment. The wand itself is weighty and supernaturally pulses to let you know that it is ready to learn, and after about 10 - 15 minutes practice you are ready to train it. You can assign various functions to to various moves, flick to change tracks, spin to turn up volume, swish to dramatically turn on etc. Before you know it you'll be using one of the 13 predefined gestures to mystically control all the gadgetry around you.
This is the remote control for all confirmed gadgeteers out there! In Dunblane it is exclusively available at Gadget Hub for only £49.99 - pop in to see us demonstrate it and have a magical Halloween!
200 years ago you would have been burned at the stake for displaying this kind of witchery, but then you wouldn't have had a 50" Plasma to show it off!
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